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Fung Shui for Office Furniture What are the best plants to put on your desk?

2024-07-23    view:113

Everyone wants to have a successful career, but often things do not go as planned. Enhance career luck need to pay attention to the office feng shui environment, today I will explain how to place the office furniture, teach you the correct office desks, filing cabinets and other furniture placed feng shui knowledge to increase career luck.

Chinese people talk about the balance of yin and yang, and that yin and yang is the law of the universe, everything can be divided into yin and yang. In terms of the office, the desk should be yang, and books placed in the bookcase is static, is yin. So the bookcase should be placed to obey the principle that the bookcase should be placed with the placement of the desk corresponds to; feng shui, the desk sits auspicious, the bookcase sits evil “argument, it is said to mean that the desk should be placed in the auspicious direction, and the bookcase placed the opposite, should be placed in the study of the relatively inauspicious direction to restrain the space within the evil of the gas.


Office bookcases filing cabinets placed in the place can not be direct sunlight, this kind of bookcases placed in a way that is not bookcases suitability; from a scientific point of view, the bookcases placed in direct sunlight is easy to lead to the books inside the cabinet due to sun exposure and yellowing old, not conducive to the preservation of books; in addition, according to the “left blue dragon, right white tiger” rules to look at In addition, the master is male, then, the bookcase placed assortment in the left side of the wall, and the desk on the right side of the placement of guest chairs, conducive to the exchange of communication; In addition to the bookcase placed to pay attention to the books placed in the bookcase can not be ignored, can not be stuffed with too full of bookcases, assortment of bookcases to leave a little space to do the “breathable” use, in fact, this is also in the taking of books. Getting books is much more convenient.

In fact, the office feng shui, assortment is the core staff of the desk location and direction. Because the core staff of the comprehensive situation, determines the overall development trend of the enterprise. The company operator is the core of leadership of an enterprise, his office environment is very important, such as the choice of office location, sit to the choice of office equipment placement. The company's core personnel for the company's management of important personnel, his office location is particularly important, and must be placed in the assortment of the direction, so that the office can be completely and the natural world of the aura complementary, career more help. Can strengthen the leadership of the ability to control. Wealth position on the development of career has the effect of icing on the cake, so office feng shui is very concerned about the effect of wealth position. A company's core staff must sit in the location of the prosperity of wealth, in order to have the overall leadership ability to control, how to choose the location of the practical space? Should be in line with the general principle of wealth, according to the principle of the nine palace flying star, choose the ideal location of the company's core staff. Now detailed as follows: sitting in the north towards the south of the office building, must be the North or Southwest for the company's core staff of the office; for the south towards the north of the office building, must be the South or Northeast for the company's core staff of the office; sitting in the east towards the west of the office building, must be the East or Northwest for the company's core staff of the office; sitting in the west towards the east of the office building, must be the Northwest or Southeast for the company's core staff of the office office building sitting northeast towards southwest, must be northwest or northeast for the company's core staff's office; sitting southwest towards northeast office building, must be due east or southwest for the company's core staff's office; sitting northwest towards southeast office building, must be due west or northwest for the company's core staff's office; sitting southeast towards northwest office building, must be southeast or southwest for the company's core staff's office building facing northwest to southeast, must be southeast or southwest for the office of the company's core staff.

What plants on the desk? This is really worth your attention, since we are persistent in the pursuit of career, but the layout of the office feng shui on your career is very helpful Oh. Of course, for the average company staff, to change the layout of the entire office is obviously not, then it can only start from their own desks, the following small make up to tell you, in the end, put what plants on the desk is good. Boss desk put what plants good 1. If you are the boss, and your office has a safe, you can put a green potted plant, will cover it, so that has the role of Ancai; In addition, not let the plant withered, withered, once there are such signs, to deal with it immediately, such as picking off the yellow leaves on the plant, to avoid feng shui in the office has been damaged.2. Bosses also have a male and female, for male Boss's office, assorted in the left side of the seat placed a pot of taller plants, in feng shui, the boss of the left side of the desk is the green dragon bit, in this position placed up to the green plants, has the role of prosperity. Most of the modern boss office are floor to ceiling windows, but feng shui, “the knee is empty not prosperous wealth”, in order to avoid this situation, can be placed in front of the window a row of plants. For female bosses, the same content of the above need to pay attention to, and can also be placed on the desk of a pot of flowers, and in the pot inserted four Ronghua bamboo, the role of prosperity, avoid placing thorny plants on the desk (such as cactus).